ANTWERP DIAMONDS: THE DIAMOND CITY OF THE WORLD Antwerp and diamonds are two words that are often used in one sentence. And with good reason: Today, more than 80% of…
ANTWERP DIAMONDS: THE DIAMOND CITY OF THE WORLD Antwerp and diamonds are two words that are often used in one sentence. And with good reason: Today, more than 80% of…
Along with clarity, colour, and cut, carat is one of the “4 C’s” when it comes to the evaluation of diamonds. Carat (abbreviated Ct) is a way to describe the…
Three of the “4 C’s” involved in the evaluation of diamonds—carat, clarity, and colour—depend upon the natural chemical and/or structural composition of the diamond. But the fourth C, cut, involves…
One of the “4 C’s” of evaluating diamonds, clarity is a crucial component of any assessment of a diamond’s aesthetic and monetary value. As a fourth-generation diamond office located in…
Colour is an essential part of any evaluation of diamonds, and particularly diamonds. In the case of diamonds, colour is exactly what we would expect — the visible hue of…
The Diamond Club of Antwerp was founded informally on September 7th 1892. A group of diamond merchants were in the course of preparing a legally constituted, well structured trading association….
Diamonds cut is an essential element of diamond evaluation, and it stands among the 4 C’s, along with clarity, colour, and carat. One aspect of a diamond’s cut is its…
Diamonds have been sought after and admired for thousands of years, but only at the beginning of the 20th century objective grading of diamonds and other gemostones was possible. The…
What is a Conflict Diamond? Like many industries in the world, the diamond industry has become a global community, and in the past 10 or 15 years, deserved attention has…